Board Member: Hailong Song

Hailong Song, M.B.B.S., Ph.D


Department of Neurosurgery, Penn Center for Brain Injury and Repair,

Perelman School of Medicine, Un微信截图_20211029113515.pngiversity of Pennsylvania, USA

Dr. Song was trained as a PhD graduate student in Dr. Zezong Gu’s lab at University of Missouri (MU) in the field of pathogenesis of blast related TBI. Dr. Song is currently a postdoctoral researcher in Dr. Douglas H. Smith’s lab in the Department of Neurosurgery at the Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania.   Currently, focusing on investigating the biomechanical and pathophysiological changes of diffuse axonal injury as a key pathological feature in TBI, working on various small and large animal models of TBI, as well as looking into the human neuropathologies associated with TBI related neurodegeneration, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy. During his 5-year graduate studies at MU Dr. Song has published sixteen peer-reviewed research articles including nine papers as the first author or co-first author. He has received a number of scholarships, travel awards and recognitions, including Valerie J. Goodin Global Tiger Alumni Scholarship (2018), the Trainee Professional Development Award (TPDA) in 2018 by the Society for Neuroscience, the prestigious 2019 Class of Mizzou 18 (honoring eighteen University of Missouri graduate and professional students), and The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. As for his volunteering services, he was the MU Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program (INP) Student Representative of the Graduate Student Association (GSA) and Graduate Professional Council (GPC). He has served as a member of Chinese American Society of Mass Spectrometry (CASMS) Digital Committee responsible for promising CASMS Annual Meeting via email correspondence and WeChat/website communications.