2023 CNSA Sponsorship

2023 CNSA Sponsorship

  • Message from the CNSA President & Committee -- CNSA’s Mission and History

  • How to become a CNSA sponsor and benefits

Message from the CNSA President & Committee -- CNSA’s Mission and History

The Chinese Neurotrauma Scholar Association (CNSA) is a leading society for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury (SCI) research among Chinese researchers and their teams.

CNSA was pioneered by several prominent Chinese neurotrauma scholars in North America since 2010, with the mission to promote communication, collaboration, resource sharing, networking, and research development among Chinese scholars nationally and internationally in the field of neurotrauma research. Since then, the CNSA has successfully organized annual symposia as satellite meetings to the annual symposium of the National Neurotrauma Society (NNS).

CNSA has a tradition to hold a special session in annual NNS meeting. This includes NNS 2018 in Toronto, NNS 2019 in Pittsburgh, NNS 2022 in Atlanta, and upcoming NNS 2023 symposium in Austin with a special session entitled “Chinese Neurotrauma Scholar Association (CNSA) Symposium: Reality of Neurotrauma in Service Members and Veterans: Clinical and Experimental Insights on Military Blast Exposures and Non-blast TBI”. These academic activities and scientific exchanges signify the growing collaboration between NNS and CNSA.

CNSA demonstrates a successfully record of hosting special webinars to foster neurotrauma research development in the international community, supported by the journal of Neural Regeneration Research. In Oct 2022, CNSA’s webinar titled “Biomarkers in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Research: Insights on Current and Future Development” discussed important questions regarding clinical and preclinical biomarker discovery in TBI and attracted over 10,000 views online (see next page).

Since its origin in 2010, CNSA continues to grow. One of our goals for the next two years is to attract more colleagues and friends in the neurotrauma field to join CNSA, and to expand our society to include Chinese neurotrauma scholars not only from North America but also from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other regions of Asia, Pacific and Europe. We believe that a diverse and expanded membership body will bring in more expertise and facilitate collaboration among our members worldwide.

Together, the mission of CNSA is to serve as a platform to bring together scientists and clinicians, particularly Chinese scholars, thus providing opportunities for learning and discussing the latest advancements in the fields of neurotrauma.


Zezong Gu, MD, PhD

President, CNSA

How to become a CNSA sponsor and benefits

The CNSA offers a variety of sponsorship options, including but not limited to:

Gold Level Sponsor: $3,000

1.Acknowledgement on the CNSA Society website (http://www.chineseneurotrauma.com) with the company logo and website, including product/service information (provided by Sponsor, 1/2 page).

2.Eligibility to serve on the CNSA board (http://www.chineseneurotrauma.com/col.jsp?id=102).

3.Dedicated social media posts (product/service information or other contents to be provided by Sponsor, up to 4 pages) on WeChat, etc.

4.Invitation to exclusive social event with the CNSA executive committee at the National Neurotrauma Society (NNS) annual meeting, and acknowledgement as a Gold Level Sponsor at the beginning of the social event.

5.Participation in the CNSA virtual conference (invited talk).

6.Free job postings on the CNSA newsletter.

Silver Level Sponsor: $1,000

1.Acknowledgement on the CNSA Society website (http://www.chineseneurotrauma.com) with the company logo and website.

2.Dedicated social media posts (product/service information or other contents to be provided by Sponsor, up to 2 pages) on WeChat, etc.

3.Invitation to exclusive social event with the CNSA executive committee at annual NNS meeting.

4.Participation in CNSA virtual conference.

5.Free job postings on the CNSA newsletter.

Bronze Level Sponsor: $500

1.Acknowledgement on CNSA Society website (http://www.chineseneurotrauma.com) with company logo and website.

2.Social media mentions of Sponsor name on WeChat, etc.

3.Invitation to exclusive social event with the CNSA executive committee at NNS annual meeting.

4.Participation in CNSA virtual conference.

5.Free job postings on the CNSA newsletter.

Please consider increasing your visibility and organization’s exposure to the international markets and become a sponsor for CNSA!!!

2023 Bronze Sponsor